
Saturday, August 11, 2012

A Fit Pregnancy is Tough!

Exhaustion, morning sickness, sore breast, when does the madness stop? How will I ever get enough energy to eat right and exercise? These are questions most pregnant woman wonder throughout their pregnancy. I am currently 8 weeks exactly and an Exercise Physiologist at a Wellness Center. I am determined to have a fit pregnancy and do everything correctly. The question is "how?"... answer: through your eating habits, exercise, and attitude.

First, too much foods high in fat a proven to make morning sickness worse. Even if you are suffering from food aversions and all that seems tasty are pancakes and bacon, think again. Try to find something like fruits, or whole grains, which are low in fat to keep that morning sickness down. Even if you are still throwing up through the healthy foods, know it will end soon, and you are getting the nutrition your baby needs to grow.

Next, try to exercise everyday whether it is walking your dog for a mile around the block or doing a pregnancy dvd you bought at the department store. Every little bit of exercise helps with energy levels and making your birth process smoother. Just remember, there are rules pregnant woman should follow when exercising. Those rules can be found through American College of Sports Medicine.

Lastly, keeping a healthy mind. Stay as positive as possible. Reading books and joining groups with a strong support system may help with this process. I understand this part can be easier said than done, especially, if you are like me, throwing up 24/7. Remember it shall pass soon and you will have a beautiful, healthy baby in your arms in a few short months!

Try to stay fit through your eating habits, exercise, and attitude, all these will help you have a strong, wonderful pregnancy. Good luck to everyone!  "A moment in my tummy... a lifetime in my heart." Author: LiLangelzMom

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