
Friday, November 16, 2012

Working Out While Pregnant

It is generally a rule of thumb that if you exercised pre- pregnancy it is ok to continue your workout routine once you become pregnant. If you are a heavy weight lifter, it is recommened that you lessen your weight and add more repitions. If at any point you become faint or dizzy, get severe cramping, or bleeding you should stop your workout routine immediately and contact your doctor.

First trimester, if you were jogging or running, you may continue doing so. Women who workout during their pregnancy tend to have less morning sickness and fatigue, then those who do not exercise. It is recommended by physicians that in the first trimester, you keep your heartrate below 140 beats per minute, however I recommend as an Exercise Physiologst, that if you were working out at a high intensity pre-pregnancy you are ok to continue that as long as negative symptoms do not arise.

Second trimester rules are to stay away from exercises on your back and stomach. I do exercise on my back quiet often. I teach a body sculpting class, and do not follow this ... BUT now that I am 22 weeks almost 23 weeks and getting bigger, I realize why it is said not to workout on your back. I barely can get up hahaha.

Third Trimester, light exercise can be continued. When it is time to push an old wives tale tells us to do squats. So, yall know I will be doing some squats.

Side note: I have been working out regularly and have been eating healthy and still have gained about 16 pounds. Every pregnancy is different. I know it is recommended that 25-35 pounds should be gained. However, I was super healthy pre-pregnancy and never had a weight issue at 26 years old. I honestly feel if you are workingout and eating right, just continue that and do not stress too much!

Warning: When working out proper form and breathing should be preformed. Please do research before starting an exercise program.

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