
Thursday, November 15, 2012

You Know You Are Pregnant When...

1) You sneeze and pee yourself.
2) You crave icecream and pickles with hot sauce and ranch dressing.
3) You can smell anyone or anything from a mile away or more.
4) You cannot get off the couch without a boost from your significant other.
5) When you have more gas than a gas station.
6) You are farting more than fido and the hubby combined.
7) You cannot remember what you said you could not forgot five minutes ago.
8) When you begin to cry because you are hungry, but at the same time you cannot eat more than five bites at a time.
9) You use your belly as a shelf to hold things.
10) You gain 4 pounds in one day.
11) You get heartburn by looking at that tomatoe sauce
12) You need someone else to tie your shoes.
13) Going up 3 flights of stairs feels like you just ran a marathon.
14) You feel like an 80 year old woman with the amount of back pain you have.
15) Am I getting my period? When your cramps feel like you are going to get your period.
16) You cannot keep your balance anymore.
17) When the show 16 and pregnant makes you cry.
18) You cannot watch the baby story without shedding a tear.
19) When you realize all you talk about in every sentence is about the baby and you can tell people are really getting annoyed by you.
20) When you cannot get yourself to buy clothes for yourself, but are willing to buy the baby things.
21) Add your own:) /.....

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